School Council
The School Council play an important part towards ensuring that the children’s voice is valued, encouraged and respected.
Each September the children vote for two member representatives for their class. The chosen councillors listen to their peers and share ideas in regular council meetings.
The councillors work alongside the school staff on projects and ideas which contributes to shaping the ethos and direction of our school.
A primary focus is working towards a sustainable future and ensuring all children understand how to care for each other and the world around them.
School Council Hosts Our Annual Healthy Eating Café
Part of our school Eco status includes teaching the children about healthy living.
The School Council decided to display their cooking skills and share their knowledge of how to be healthy with their school friends. sharing food grown and cooked at school.
The children worked tirelessly throughout the day to cook a variety of snacks to serve to the school community.
Well done School Council!
The School Council have thoroughly enjoyed supporting Sport Relief this year! Beginning with an assembly on Monday 19th March to show all the children the Daily Sporting Challenge for the week.
We took part in hula hooping, skipping, bean bag target practise, dancing and football.
The week culminated with dressing up in sporty clothes with a grand total of £240.87!
The Big School Clean
A big thank you to the School Council for being litter heroes and ensuring the grounds were litter free and to everyone who joined in picking up litter on their way home from school!
The School Council demonstrating how to be good play leaders.
Working in the Sensory Garden.
The School Council all worked together in the school Sensory Garden. The Reception children composted the fruit, year one prepared the pots by weeding and filling them with compost and year two plant bulbs to flower in the spring time. Super job!
Wear it Wild
The whole school thoroughly enjoyed working together to raise money for endangered animals on Wear It Wild Day. Everybody dressed up and looked fabulous! The School Council came in early to help man the doors and collect the donations. We are proud to announce we raised £202.15. A big thank you for all your support
Anti-Bullying Video
School Council have helped to produce this video which tells others what to do if someone is being unkind to them in person or online.