The School Day
School begins
8:30am - Reception
8.35am – Year 1
8:40am - Year 2
8:50am - Nursery
School Lunchtime 11:45pm to 1.00pm
School Finishes
2:50pm - Nursery
3:00pm - Reception
3:05pm - Year 1
3:10pm - Year 2​​
The school doors are open promptly at the times indicated above and the staff are ready to welcome the children. It is important that children arrive on time so they don't miss the start of the first lesson of the day.
Staff who greet children at the main doors are happy to relay any messages from parents to teachers. Children who arrive after the classroom doors have closed must be accompanied by an adult who needs to sign them in at the school office, stating a reason for the lateness.
At the end of the school day, staff will ensure that each child is safely handed over to whoever is authorised to collect them.
Break times are carefully organised so that children can play freely, have quiet times, or more organised activities. All the equipment is carefully supervised, and children who feel anxious at playtime are gently guided towards activities and friendships. This is an important part of Infant school life and we plan for the development of a range of social, physical and intellectual skills during breaks.
Attendances & Absences
If your child is ill or unable to attend school please inform us by 9.00am on the first day of absence through using the MCAS app or by telephone (Call 01483 504172,
Option 1). It is the parent’s responsibility to keep us informed about the length of the absence.
Dental, doctor and hospital appointments should be made out of school hours unless it is unavoidable. Please email at least 24hrs in advance with the date and time of the appointment, and include a copy of the appointment letter/text message. If you wish to CC teachers into emails, please do so, but you must notify the office primarily. If your child will be late to school, please inform us of their lunch choice by 9.15am on the day. If you do not, you must provide them with a packed lunch.
We have a statutory duty to provide the government with a record of authorised absences, i.e. those notified to the school, and unauthorised absences. This information is summarised for you below and we need your help to get them lower. Legally, all children should attend school every day unless they are ill.
A request form for leave of absence for exceptional circumstances must be completed. Please be aware that The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013, which became law on 1st September 2013 state that Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. The form can be completed here.
The Headteacher is also required to determine the number of school days a child can be away from school if leave is granted.