School Uniform
Stevensons-School Uniform Outfitters
New School Uniform is available through our supplier, Stevensons.
The Friends of Stoughton also run a secondhand uniform scheme where all items are sold for £1. If you would like any information or to purchase items please email and someone from the Friends will be in touch.
Our school uniform consists of :
Red polo shirt with logo (nursery children only)
White polo shirt plain or with logo
Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo
Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress. In the warmer months, summer dresses may be worn
Black shoes (no open toed sandals, sling-backs or mules)
PE kit of shorts, T-shirt (with school logo) and rubber soled plimsolls or trainers
Bookbag with school logo
During P.E children wear T-shirt and shorts. Long hair must be tied back. Plimsolls or trainers are required for P.E. lessons but children work in bare feet during gymnastic lessons. We request that no jewellery be worn to school on the ground of safety. Earrings should be removed – children wearing earrings may not do P.E. Any watches worn to school should be named and are the responsibility of the children
Please name all items of clothing.
We would be grateful if you would provide the following articles for your child’s use in school:
a box of tissues
a glue stick