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SEND & Additional Educational Needs
At Stoughton we have an inclusion team that support children and their families who have SEND or additional educational needs.
The Inclusion Team

Rebecca Arnell
Inclusion Lead
Sam Lampard
Speech and Language TA
Claire Marrow
Home School Link Worker
The team can be contacted by email -
We value all our children equally and embrace their special abilities and special needs. Skilled and trained staff provide expert support for children with difficulties, either individually or in small groups.
We ensure that every child has equal access to the curriculum and we have a policy of identifying and building upon their strengths in order to foster their confidence and self- esteem. We follow the Code of Practice on Identification and Assessment of Special Educational Needs and seek the advice of outside agencies such as the Educational Psychologist Service, Speech and Language Therapy, Language Difficulties Service, Literacy Support, Medical Service, Occupational therapy, Learning Support and the Behaviour Management Service.
Children with Education Health and Care Plans are supported by a Special Needs Assistant within the classroom and are fully integrated into school life. Through our outstanding curriculum that offers such a diverse range of innovative activities we are committed to finding every child’s talents, whether it be as a mathematician, gardener, eco-warrior, artist or good friend so that each child is valued by our community, makes a recognised contribution and develops sound self-worth.
Whole School Provision Map
SEN Information Report and Local Offer

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