Sports Premium
The Sports Premium was introduced in summer 2013 and is allocated to schools to help them provide additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of the physical education, physical activity and sport they provide.
As a result of the Sports Premium funding, since 2013 we have significantly enhanced our provision of PE and sports for all children across the school. We are requested to account for the expenditure and also the effectiveness of the provision.
We are therefore producing the reports below of the prior expenditure and impact and the proposed expenditure for the coming academic year. Schools are free to spend their Sports Premium as they see fit, however it can only be spent on PE and sport provision in schools.
This academic year we are using a sizable proportion of our Sports Premium to enhance the confidence and competency of our teachers. We believe this will ensure that all children will benefit from the funding through the improved delivery of Physical Education. It will lead to more imaginative and challenging lessons with improved pupil engagement and ensure sustainability when the funding ceases.
Guildford Schools Confederation - Inter-sports Games 2017